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12/21 Petition to Biden & U.S. Congress
How many times must history repeat itself before we stop it? In the words of Israeli-American doctor of psychology & neuroscience Yoav Litvin, “Beyond justifying violent land theft, the conflation of Zionism and Judaism serves to delegitimise Indigenous resistance by equating any criticism of Zionism or Israel’s policies towards the Palestinians as an attack on Jews.” I quote his words because I am aware saying them myself serves to mark me and anyone else who signs this letter as an espouser of hate speech.
Beyond the multiple resolutions Congress has proposed & passed to serve as precedent for this erroneous conflation, it’s clear with every action this administration has taken that my government will do anything possible to stifle my freedom of speech and the freedom of the press as it relates to Israel.
Americans are crying out for a ceasefire. The world is crying out for a ceasefire. We know it’s possible for our country to stop this. Reagan accomplished it in one phone call in 1982. Instead, the U.N. Security Council has been crippled by the U.S. veto vote and our president refuses to stand on the right side of history.
I demand that you:
– Call for an immediate and permanent ceasefire in Gaza, the West Bank, and all areas the Israeli military is murdering or otherwise violating the human rights of Palestinians
– Call for the immediate end of genocide, apartheid, and occupation, and support Palestinians in their fight for freedom, peace, and their human rights
– Call for the immediate release of Palestinian “prisoners” (hostages) held captive in Israeli military prisons
– Permanently end all monetary and military aid given to Israel by correcting our budget and enforcing Leahy Law
– Reallocate all funds given to Israel to ongoing humanitarian relief for Palestinians to help them rebuild, care for the sick & injured, bury the dead with dignity, and ensure all of their basic needs are taken care of
– Repeal all federal anti-BDS laws and pass legislation that voids all state-level anti-BDS laws
– Restore my right to free speech and the freedom of the press by condemning all discrimination or harassment for criticizing any government or political ideology (including zionism) and by doing everything possible to prevent future assaults to my rights, including governmental control and/or censorship of the Internet
– Stop the militarization of our police by ending all cross-training done with the Israeli military, ceasing the construction of the Atlanta Public Safety Training Center, and all other ways this is accomplished
– Pass legislation that prohibits any governmental action that would target any ethnic, religious, or other minority group (including Palestinians), either in the U.S. or abroad, by restricting humanitarian or financial aid, infringing on their human rights, or other actions that would otherwise bring harm or cause undue burdens on said groups
Al Jazeera “The anatomy of Zionist genocide”
U.S. Congressional Resolutions & Bills (both passed and proposed)*
U.S. House “H.Res.888 – Reaffirming the State of Israel’s right to exist.“
U.S. House “H.R.6113 – Israel Supplemental Appropriations Act of 2023”
U.S. House “H.R.6126 – Israel Security Supplemental Appropriations Act, 2024”
U.S. House & Senate “H.Con.Res.57 – Expressing the sense of Congress supporting the State of Israel.”
U.S. House & Senate “S.510 – Expediting Israeli Aerial Refueling Act of 2023”
U.S. Senate “S.Res.417 – A resolution standing with Israel against terrorism.”
*This is not meant to be an exhaustive list. In future petitions referring to legislation both proposed and passed, I will continue to update with more important resolutions and/or bills I find.
U.S. Government Ignoring Constituents
The Huffington Post “Capitol Hill Interns Accuse Congress Of Suppressing Cease-Fire Demands”
The New Republic “Congressional Interns Accuse Bosses of Suppressing Calls for Cease-Fire”
U.S. Federal & State Governments Threatening Journalists
Letter to Reuters & letter to several news outlets can be found linked on Florida’s Attorney General site
*The Florida AG’s website has removed this article. Archived letters can be viewed here:
Letter to Reuters
Letter to AP, CNN, NYT, Reuters from State Attorney Generals
I’m concerned the actions of our government will lead to the total, final collapse of our democracy. The writing has been on the walls for some time. The recent acceleration of the genocide of Palestinians and the government’s support has proven this is not a red/blue issue. Fascist ideologs are in both major parties.
American Academy “How Democracies Die”
The Guardian “America is now in fascism’s legal phase“
Open Democracy “This is American fascism“
The Atlantic “A New Kind of Fascism“
Lehigh University “Fascism in America: It’s Happening Here, According to Professor’s New Book“
Workers World “Is the Democratic Party the alternative to fascism, or its enabler?“
Al Jazeera “Netanyahu, the godfather of modern Israeli fascism“
Haaretz “Israeli Neo-Fascism Threatens Israelis and Palestinians Alike“
U.S. Department of Defense “Biden Says U.S. Leadership Vital, Pledges Support for Israel and Ukraine“
The Guardian “Does Biden’s unwavering support for Israel risk his chance for re-election?“
U.S. Embassy in El Salvador “President Biden’s statement during his visit to Tel Aviv“
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