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3/22 Petition to Biden & U.S. Congress
While I can understand a landing jetty is being fast tracked for completion by May 1st, this does not address the serious questions I have regarding the rubble of Palestinian homes being used to create said landing jetty. Additionally, this landing jetty and port do not meaningfully address the dire needs of Palestinians in Gaza. Delivery of aid via land crossing using the thousands of trucks waiting at the borders, denied by Israel, is the fastest way to ensure that the entirety of Gaza isn’t starved to death by Israel. Recent numbers place those at imminent risk of death in the coming days and weeks by starvation are 1.1 million.
At the same time you banned U.S. aid to UNRWA until 2025, when asked about the way this aid would be distributed from the port, the National Security Council advised that aid would continue to be distributed by UNRWA. If you are actually concerned about UNRWA as an agency, tell me how this makes sense. Some of our closest allies like Canada have already rightly resumed funding of UNRWA. The reports of Israel torturing UNRWA workers to coerce false confessions is credible enough to the rest of the world to do the right thing. So tell me, why haven’t you? I demand you end our country’s participation in Israel’s genocide – it’s become painfully and increasingly clear that we have been beyond complicit this entire time. I do not approve of my tax dollars being used to commit a genocide.
I require immediate answers from you, not just for me, but for the rest of the American people whose tax dollars you have been stealing for this genocide regarding the aid port being built in Gaza:
1. Did the Palestinian’s whose homes made up that rubble give their permission for it to be used?
2. Had the bodies of those who died underneath been removed before the rubble was taken so they could be given a humane and dignified burial?
3. Why did the original plan for construction that U.S. army Brig.-Gen Brad Hinson outlined change to include using rubble of homes with possible human remains mixed in?
4. Why didn’t the U.S. trucks let across the border to construct the port and carry rubble to the shore contain any of the humanitarian aid that is lined up and waiting at every border crossing but denied entry by Israel?
5. Why aren’t the U.S. controlled operations in Gaza that have the capability to remove rubble being used for search and rescue missions to try and save the lives of those still trapped underneath the rubble?
6. Before rubble was excavated, were any attempts made to locate anyone possibly still alive? If not, what measures were used to ensure the precarious structural integrity of rubble that creates pockets where people are trapped was not compromised?
Reuters “US racing to prepare Gaza jetty by May 1, says US official“
For more on Gaza port built from rubble see prior petition “U.S. PORT IN GAZA BUILT FROM RUBBLE AND BONES? END THE GENOCIDE NOW“
BBC “UNRWA: Sweden and Canada resume funding for UN agency for Palestinian refugees“
For more on UNRWA workers tortured by Israel, see prior petition “UNRWA STAFF TORTURED FOR FALSE CONFESSIONS – RESUME FUNDING & CEASEFIRE NOW“
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